The Foundation will work to achieve the following objects:-
- To create social climate which will foster understanding and realization of need for activating individual/ personal/ organizational efforts to know the deficiency in respective behavioral profile leading to low performance in life on account of specific deficiency and then win over the inhibition in moving forward to seek appropriate counseling and consultation and with this end in view launch an intensive and wide spread campaign in the country for holistic health awakening and social enlightenment and to declare and distribute awards for promoting the same.
- To promote the practice of standard norms of Omni health regulatory conduct, in conformity with dignified living without unhealthy symptoms related to body and or mind and or soul in day-to- day life of people.
- To publish literature on the studies, investigations and research in the field of health care done and or being done both in India and abroad related to all systems of health promotion as standardized through various health promotion practices prescribed in Allopathy/Ayurvedic/Unnani/Tibatian/Chinese/Japanese/other medicines/therapy including Yoga and Naturopathy.
- To collaborate with, or to finance or to merge into the Foundation, any organization or society, trust or associate body having same or similar objects, as those of the Foundation and to receive or to extend help to them.
- To do all things as may be necessary for the achievement of the objectives and aims stated above, including the creation of trust or trusts, starting branches of the Foundation and or institutes or research centers and raising funds by way of debentures/ mortgages etc.
- To receive fees (both membership and specialized service) donations, contributions, or to accept help either in cash or in kind or in any other form by individual bodies, societies, trusts or organizations interested in the aims & objects of the Foundation and such donations etc shall be deemed to be a part and parcel of the assets of the Foundation.
- To provide free health care services as envisaged here in to the poor and needy specifically physically and otherwise differently abled.
- To establish & maintain institutions for different segment of population be it children including school health/adolescents/adults/premarital group/post marital group/ prenatal group/postnatal group/parents/newlyweds/middle age blues groups/ retirees/senior citizens/in-laws/widows/widowers/professional blues group/patients/ doctors/educators/trainers/the specially abled and handicapped including their parents for education and training in total health management.
- To create/innovate/design audio-video material and host the same online for promoting its objectives to disseminate the publicity material for reaching out to the people at large including seeking patent and IPR where necessary.
- To run educational institutions, training institutions, research institutions, training of trainers establishment and any other establishment as may be required in due course of functioning of the Foundation and in furtherance of its objects/and publish books/reports/journals/magazines/newspapers/periodicals/thesis/researches/ discoveries/documents/news and information.
- All the income, movable, immovable properties of the Foundation shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objects as set forth in the Memorandum of Association and no profit on thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profit or in any manner whatsoever to the members of the Foundation nor shall they have any personal claim on any moveable or immoveable properties of the Foundation or make any profits, whatsoever, by virtue of their membership.
- To extend support to all that leverage the advances in technology including Nanotechnology, IT, Genomics and High-throughput Sequencing (HtS)/Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and the like towards aiding and complementing Health, Wellness, Prevention and Medical care.
- To engage in research and development in the broad areas of Health/Medical/ Clinical/Ethical/Legal/Social issues including genomics and other technological updates impacting health care solutions as of now and or in future.
- To empower healthcare professionals with the knowledge and benefits of technologies by engaging in research, consultancy, training and services towards enabling Personalised and Precision medicine.
- To liaise and collaborate with various organizations in the sector or otherwise by suitable means (memorandum of understanding, collaboration agreements, partnering arrangements and others) for services and product development, arrangement of apprenticeships within the sector.
- To organize, convene and participate in seminars, conferences, fairs related to the objects of the Foundation and to collect, compile, collate, edit and publish technical reports and publications related to the objects of the Foundation.
- To prepare knowledge/ skill /technique development plan after identifying l gaps along with relevant institutions (private and public).
- To facilitate and assist Private and Public institutions in the sector towards achieving their goals in relevant areas while simultaneously furthering the objects of the Foundation.
- To employ/engage/hire from other organizations, temporarily or in regular employment, such professionals, skilled workers, technical advisors, consultants, managers or other persons in order to provide valuable inputs to further the objects.
- To work with global consultants, sector associations as well as experts from national and international agencies associated with research and development, training, skill development, accreditation or other required specializations in the Sector.
- To borrow or raise such moneys as may be required by the Foundation for fulfilling its objects, by the issue of bills of exchange, promissory notes or other obligations or securities of the Foundation or by mortgage/pledge/hypothecation of all or any part of the property of the Foundation subject to such conditions as imposed by the Board in consonance with appropriate Governmental authority.
- To enter into any arrangements with any Government Authority whether Central, State, Municipal, Local or any other person, that may seem promoting the objects of the Foundation.
- To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire, sell or otherwise acquire any movable or immovable property, and in particular any land, building, workshops, factories, laboratories, machinery, plant apparatus, appliances, trades, trademarks, licenses, permits, intellectual property rights (IPRs), and any rights or privileges necessary or convenient for the purpose of meeting the objects of the Foundation.
- To construct, erect, develop, improve, or alter and keep in repair any building acquired or used by or for the Foundation and to pull down or demolish or dispose off any building not so required or for renovation and reconstruction and to maintain, deal with, manage, control and administer the same.
- To establish, support or aid in the establishment of associations, institutions, funds and trusts as may be required in furtherance of the objects of the Foundation.
- To collect fee including membership fee, service charges, consultancy charges, compensations or such other monies as may be required in due course of functioning of the Foundation and in furtherance of its objects.
- To make donations to or sponsor, establish, execute or take over any other society, trust, Foundation or institution having any or all objects that may be similar or conducive to the objects of the Foundation.
- To accept from any other society, trust, Foundation and institution any donations, gift, or money and or any other asset moveable and immoveable that would assist in the implementation or furtherance of any or all objects and purpose of the Foundation.
- To invest the funds of the Foundation in such manner and on such terms as may be deemed proper and necessary for the fulfillment of the aims and objects of the Foundation provided that investments are within the norms as prescribed under the Income Tax Act or any other applicable law.
- To do any other act or thing which is ancillary to the achievement of any of the above stated objects and or conducive to the attainment of the same provided that any contributions to or cooperation with any other Foundation, trust, society, institution or project having as its objects all or any of the objects of this Foundation as aforesaid shall mean furtherance of the objects of this Foundation. Further provided that the Income and funds of the Foundation will be solely utilized towards the objects provided hereinabove and no portion of it will be utilized for payment to founder members and executive committee members by way of profits, interest, dividend or otherwise.